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mahamrityunjay mantra in english
The Mahamrityunjay mantra saves the lives of human beings. How are you? I hope you all are healthy and well. We all desire to live longer and enjoy life to the fullest. Unfortunately, we witness numerous deaths every minute due to various circumstances in life. We all have responsibilities and commitments to nature. Keyshone is providing you with an extraordinary...
gayatri mantra effect
Gayatri Mantra is the chant which did not belong to any single community, cast, religion, and society.Chant which provide relaxation of mind,power of will, positive energy,and lots of happiness and success in life. Chant which is scientifically proved as the source of internal soul purifier. This is the mother of whole words of Sanskrit words. This mantra founded by guru...
lunar eclipse 2013
3rd most shortest lunar eclipse of 21st century,lunar eclipse definition,date,time,indian thinking about eclipse THIRD SHORTEST LUNAR ECLIPSE OF 21st CENTUARY-"chandra grahan" is going to appear in north east Asia,Africa,Antarctica,some parts of Europe.this lunar eclipse is the third most shorter duration eclipse of 21st century. This lunar eclipse consist time duration of 27 minutes. According to NASA there are 3 most...
self improvement puzzle
self improvement ideas,development plans,cartoon,images Sources of self improvement-sources which are necessary for the self improvement.these are the sources which is present in ourselves but we need to discover it all.do you know what are those sources?Keyshone is going to tell you but have some patience..... SELF IMPROVEMENT IDEAS what is self improvement? Self improvement is the promotion of personal intellectual and physical qualities .self...

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