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mahavira jainism god
Jainism is the most oldest religion of world. Jainism  are the peace and strong celibacy promoter religion in the world. Jainism is the religion which is the mother of buddhism (given in some scriptures). Jainism are small in strength but   more effective and peace generating religion.  Aadhyatmm is going to teach you all subjects of Jainism. so are you ready...
        Veggies vs Non Veggies is not a fight or a match between individual who eat non vegetarian foods and individual who eats vegetarian foods.   Now this time we are going to introduce with three types of inhabitant i.e. Carnivorous, herbivorous and some are omnivorous, who eats both meats and vegetables. We will discuss about vegetarian and...
MYSTERY OF VIOLENCE-NONVIOLENCE OF YOUTH hello ! keyshone readers welcome to the keyshone the world of great and interesting knowledge of life happenings. As i commit this blog is meant for all knowledge of life happenings. Whenever we open the newspaper,television,national magazine we found the news,views,data of various current internal wars,civil wars, national wars,riots, and political affairs. This  most specially youth...
Heart diseases and its chronic effects are more fearful for those individuals who are the occupier of modern western lifestyle. According to world health organization, every year, millions of people complaint for heart attack. In this century every other person we met is sufferer of heart diseases, whether he/she is old age, teenager, even children also.Heart problems are more than...